SUZUKI PLAN التطبيقات

NOKOGI Rider 1.13
NOKOGI Rider is a vertical-scrolling danmakuSTG (hell-barrage shooting game).Clear the level using a laser that can erase shots and enemybullets. There are five stages in total.*Only one stage in lite version.It features '90s arcade-style graphics and complex music basedon wave memory sounds.The game itself has a rather retro feel, but the controls aredesigned specifically for the touch screen of a smartphone. Forexample, unlike many games that have been ported from arcade games,there are no difficult to use software buttons on the screen. Thegame can be played easily with one hand.More information: Touching the screen will cause your piece to move to the selectedspot while shooting.- Removing your finger from the screen will charge your lasermeter.- Touching the screen while the laser meter is fully charged willfire the laser.Pushing the back button or multitouching three points on the screenwill pause the game.- Pushing the home button will paused the game and return to thehome screen.Items:1) Medals-Medals appear when an enemy is defeated in the sky.-Collect medals by moving close to them.-When firing laser, medals will be collected without going close tothem.-Besides lasers, there are various situations that affect medalcollection.-Collecting medals while firing the laser will recharge the lasermeter slightly.-Medals collected when shot value is high are worth morepoints.-The cumulative medal score will be reset to zero upon a miss.2) Stars-Stars appear when an enemy is defeated on land.-"+1" will be displayed if a star is collected whileshooting.-"Energy" is displayed if a star is collected while resting orshooting laser.-If many "+1" are collected, the shot value will increase in ashort amount of time.-Collecting "Energy" will fill the laser meter.-The cumulative "+1" score will be reset to zero upon a miss.3) Stardust-Stardust appears when an enemy's bullet is erased ortrasnformed-Stardust is automatically collected.-Collecting stardust will improve your score slightly.4) 1up-1up will appear when certain enemies are defeated.-When 1up is collected, game is extended.Extension:There are six extensions to be achieved at certain scores.1- 1,000,000 points2- 3,000,000 points3- 6,000,000 points4- 10,000,000 points5- 20,000,000 points6- 30,000,000 pointsIf you achieve an extension with 8 vehicles remaining, nothing willhappen.Vehicles:There are three types of vehicles.- TYPE A: Well-rounded vehicle (for intermediate players)- TYPE B: Excels at high-speed, low-range attacks (for advancedplayers)- TYPE C: Excels at low-speed, long-range attacks (for beginningplayers)Difficulty:There are three levels of difficulty.- BEGINNER: The easiest mode.- SOLDIER: A mode that will be enjoyable for gamers.- NINJA: A mode for those unique people who consider themselvesshooters.Saving and Playback of Replays:By selecting "SAVE REPLAY" on the home screen after a game ends,you can save a replay of the previous game, with up to 8 replayspossible to be saved at once.Use "LOAD REPLAY" to playback saved replays.Practice:In practice mode, you can practice any stage that you have reachedat least once.In practice mode, your highest score, and the replay of yourhighest score, are automatically saved.In practice mode you start with 8 vehicles.Play Data:By selecting "PLAY DATA" on the home screen, you can check playrecords.The records that are saved include scores, rankings, number oftimes each stage has been played, and playing time.*In the paid version play data is automatically saved, but in theLite version it is cleared when the app is closed.Differences between the Lite and paid versions:- Number of stages: paid-5, Lite-1- Play data save: paid-yes, Lite-no- Replay saves: paid-yes, Lite-no*There is no in-app billing in this game.
Lunatic Clay 1.00
Lunatic Clay is a shooting game of MissileCommand type.But it is not a clone game.This time, I'm providing the free version of this game.Please check the contents of this game in the free version beforepurchase.Gameplay:- you can fire a missile from the cannons of the left or right whenyou tapped the screen.- normally, a cannon of left side fires if you tapped the rightside of screen, and a cannon of right side fires if you tapped theleft side of screen. (it excludes when a side of cannon isreloading or restoring)- a missile will fly with the aim of tapped point.- a resident of the city comes for reload the bullets when there isno bullet.- you can not shoot a bullet while reloading.- when a cannon was destructed, it will be restored automatically,but it needs a sacrifice of a city.- it will be game over if the all of cities are destructed.- pushing the back button or multitouching three points on thescreen will pause the game.- pushing the home button will paused the game and return to thehome screen.Differences with the free version:- no ads- you can use the RETRY button
Aim for the top score with your hopping machine!This is a vertical scrolling jump action game that riding on thehopping machine.Gameplay:- The game will be ended if you drop out the out of screen.- Touching the screen will cause your piece to move to the selectedspot while jumping.- Multitouching three points on the screen or pushing back buttonwill pause the game.- Pushing the home button will pause the game and return to thehome screen.
禁欲番付 1.00
禁欲番付は、日々の禁欲の戦績を記録するツールです。禁欲目標(何を禁するか)の設定は、あなたの自由です。禁欲とはつらいものです。何故なら、禁欲の先には「何も無い」ので。しかし、人は「何も無い」と知りながら、無我の境地を目指して禁欲をします。本ツールは、「日々の結果の記録」と「番付」により、あなたの充実した禁欲ライフを支援いたします。なお、過去の戦績は、最大8,192日分(だいたい22年分ぐらい)保持&確認できます。※通算成績はずっと記録できます※戦績はローカルストレージにのみ記録されます【使い方】・1日1回、「勝」または「負」をタップしてください・記録は、当日中(00:00~23:59の間)何回でも訂正できます・記録しなかった日は「休場」としてカウントされます【番付】戦績に応じて、昇格または降格します。昇格または降格の審議は、毎日最初に起動した時におこなわれます。なお、「負け」よりも「休場」の方が降格ペナルティが大きくなっております。【記録の削除方法】基本的に記録を削除することは想定していません。どうしても、心機一転したい場合は、本アプリを一旦アンインストールしてから再度インストールしてください。【端末間のデータ移行方法】今のところありません。こんなネタアプリに必要なのか、はなはだ疑問です。ニーズが多ければアップデートして提供するかもしれません。Abstinence ranking isatool that records the KOs of day-to-day abstinence.Setting of abstinence goal (what to ban) is your freedom.Abstinence and is painful thing.This is because, in the abstinence of earlierbecause"nothing".However, people can knowingly "nothing", and the abstinence withtheaim of frontiers of Muga.This tool, the "day-to-day result recording" by the "ranking",willhelp your fulfilling abstinence life.In addition, past KOs, I can up to 8,192 days (about roughly'22min) retention & confirmation.Total grades I can record much ※※ KOs are recorded only in the local storage[How to use]- Once a day, please tap the "win" or "negative"And recording during the day (00:00 to 23:59) you can correctanynumber of times• The record that did not day will be counted as "tournaments"[Ranking]Depending on the KOs, and then promoted or demoted.Promotion or demotion of deliberation is done when you firststartedevery day.It should be noted, has become largely a demotion penaltytowardsthe "tournaments" than "negative".METHODS: Delete the record]We do not assume that you want to delete the basic recorded.Absolutely, if you want to new leaf, please install again thisapponce uninstall.[Data migration method between terminal]There is no for now.Is it necessary to this story app, it is doubtful.The more needs you may provide and update.
連魂 ~ RenCon 1.00
連魂は「連射すること」を重視した弾幕STGです。スマートフォンはタッチパネルで操作する関係で、この点に満足がいくSTGがありませんでした(※当社比)。もちろん、連射がなくても面白いSTGであれば沢山あります。しかし、満足に連射できるSTGがスマホでもやりたい・・・連魂は、そんな作者の想いから誕生したスマートフォンのための連射重視型弾幕STGです。叩いてください!これ見よがしに叩いてください!熱く、切なく、時に優しく叩いてください!本当にありがとうございます!!【操作方法】・画面をタッチした地点を目指して自機が左右に移動します(上下移動はできません)・画面から指を離すとショットを発射します・画面を2点マルチタッチするとタッチが離されたものと見なされます※指でタッチをキープした状態で、もう一方の手の指で画面をタップすれば、自機の動作がブレることなくショットを発射できます・戻るボタンを押すか画面を3点マルチタッチするとポーズします【遊び方】・自機が敵や敵弾に衝突するとゲームオーバーです・全2周の道中(ボスなし)を突破すればオールクリアです・オールクリアに要する所要時間はだいたい1分ぐらいですが、そこに至るまでの時間は計り知れないかもしれません・このゲームには自機の残機やコンティニューはありません・このゲームではショットで敵だけでなく敵弾も破壊することができます・敵機は若干固めで敵弾は柔らかめです・敵機や敵弾は爆風で誘爆することができます・敵弾を狙って撃破すれば誘爆で一掃することができます・2周目にはレンコンみたいな形状の打ち返し弾があります・レンコン弾は破壊することができません・スコアには倍率が掛ります【スコアの倍率】・倍率 = 連爆倍率 + 打込倍率 (最大32.00倍)・連爆倍率 = 連爆コンボ数 ÷ 10 ※小数点以下切り捨て (最大16倍)・打込倍率 = 打ち込み1回につき上昇 (最大16.00倍)・打込倍率の上昇値 = 0.01 × 連爆倍率・連爆倍率はミスショットをすると1/2に減少します・打込倍率は減少しません【CONFIG】・INTERLACE: インタレーススキャンのON/OFF・SOUND: 音声のON/OFF・SLIDE: 入力方式をスライド方式(ON) or タッチ位置へ移動する方式(OFF)に設定【楽しみかた】楽しみ方はひとそれぞれで良いと思います。それでも敢えて言うなら、競うことより自身の成長を楽しんでください。という訳で、直近128プレイのグラフを表示する機能とかを入れてみました。このグラフは、タイトルのSTATSから確認できます。【関連情報】このゲームはニコニコ自作ゲームフェス4に参加してます。【ニコニコ自作ゲームフェス】ゲームを作る人、遊ぶ人、二次創作をする人を繋ぎ、個人で作ったゲームがもっと多くの人にプレイされるようになることを目指すお祭りらしいです。【ゲーム開発者向け情報】連魂は、SUZUKI PLAN - Video Game Systemmk-II(GameDaddy)で作られています。GameDaddyはAndroid、iPhone(iOS)、Windows共通の実装(C言語)でゲームを開発することができる、オープンソースのゲーム開発用SDKです。GitHubで公開していますので、興味のある方は是非使ってみてください。※個人法人を問わず、また収益化の有無を問わずライセンス料なしでご利用いただけます。※一定のルールはあります(詳細はREADME_JP.TXTに記載している使用許諾をご確認ください)Rentamashi is barrageSTGwith an emphasis on the "thing to fire." In relation to operatethetouch panel, there was no STG satisfaction goes to thispointsmartphone (※ our ratio). Of course, there are many, ifSTGinteresting even if there is no fire. However, ... Rentamashithatwant to do well in the smartphone STG is that you canfiresatisfactorily, is a fire-oriented barrage STG for thesmartphonewas born from the desire of such author.Please banging!Please banging it with a flourish!Hot, painful, please tapped gently at!! Thank you very much[Method of operation]- (You can not move up and down) aircraft will move to the leftandright with the aim of point where you touch the screen• You fired a shot when you release your finger fromthescreen· It is assumed that touch is released when two-pointmulti-touchscreen※ in the state in which to keep a touch with your finger, if youtapthe screen with a finger of the other hand, the operation oftheaircraft, you can fire a shot without blurred that• Make pose for 3-point multi-touch screen or press theBackbutton[How to play]· The game is over aircraft collides with the enemy bulletsandenemy- It is all clear if you break through (no boss) along the wayallof two laps· It is about one minute roughly the time required to clear all,butit might not immense time until there• There is no continuum and the remaining machine of itsownequipment for this game· I can enemy bullets as well as the enemy also destroyed intheshot in this game· Enemy unit is softer to enemy bullets in the firm slightly· Enemy bullets and enemy aircraft will be able to Yubakuinblast• You can be swept away in Yubaku if defeated by targeting theenemybullets• There are bullets backstroke of shape like lotus root onthesecond lapLotus root bullets will not be able to destroy· Magnification will take the score[Magnification of the score]· Magnification = ream 爆倍 rate + implantation magnification (upto32.00 times)· 10 ※ decimal point truncated sequential 爆倍 rate =continuousexplosion combo number ÷ (up to 16-fold)• The implantation implantation magnification = per rise times(upto 16.00 times)· Rise value = 0.01 × ream 爆倍 rate ofimplantationmagnificationResources, interconnection 爆倍 rate is reduced to half when amissedshot-Implantation magnification does not reduce[CONFIG]· INTERLACE: ON / OFF of the interlaced scan· SOUND: ON / OFF of voice· SLIDE: set to (OFF) method to move to the (ON) or touchpositionof the slide method input method[Fun way]I think how fun and good in each person.If you still dare say, please enjoy the growth of its own thantocompete.That is why, I tried to put the Toka ability to display a graphofthe 128 most recent play.This graph, I can confirm from STATS of the title.[Related Information]This game has joined the smiling homebrew game festival 4.[Smiling homebrew game festival]It seems to be a festival that aims to connect people to makeagame, people play, people to the secondary creation, gamesmadewith individual comes to be played to more people.[Game Developer Information]Rentamashi is, SUZUKI PLAN - are made Video Game System mk-IIin(GameDaddy). Be able to develop the game in (C language)Android,iPhone (iOS), implementation of the Windows common,GameDaddy is agame development SDK for open source. Since it hasbeen publishedon GitHub, please try using all means if you areinterested.※ available without a license fee, regardless of the presenceorabsence of monetization and also, regardless ofindividualcorporations.※ There are certain rules(Please consult the license that has been described inREADME_JP.TXTdetails)
Invader Block 3 [GD] 1.00
Invader Block 3 is a very simple gameofbreakout.Gameplay:- Touching the screen to move a bar.- The game will be ended if drop a ball.- Multi-touching three points on the screen will pausedthegame.- Pushing the home button will paused and return to thehomescreen.Source code:I'm publishing source codes of this app in the GitHub.™:is a second generation of SUZUKI PLAN - Video GameSystem(VGS).- monochrome (3bit / 8 levels)- 160x200 (interlace scan)- open source
Touhou BGM on VGS 4.22
A collection of Touhou Project songs arranged with the chiptune"VGS"